Tuesday, September 11, 2012

4x4 Intervals - Dalesvingene - Starting to hard

Despite the weather, rain and 9 degree Celsius, I decided to do today's interval session outside. This would be the first ride starting at the new apartment at Meland, and I wanted to see how the stretch from the house to the main road would be as it is not asphalt.

I changed tire (I still had my indoor tire on the bike) and put a bit less air-pressure in the tire compared to what I normally do.The ride back and forth from the house was no problem at all, at least today. I am not sure it was necessary to use a lower air-pressure and I will try using my normal air pressure next time.

As the new apartment is at Meland, at the top of a hill, there are several route options for my interval workouts. Today I decided to do a 4x4min workout, and for that Dalesvingene is perfect.

Being very eager today, as it had been a while since I had my last outdoor ride, I started out why to hard during my warmup and first interval. As a consequence the lactat buildup was to high after the third interval up Dalesvingene and my legs were all out of juice. Next time I will make sure I keep cool during my warmup and hopefully finish 4 good intervals :)

Warmup was to hard on todays workout.
IntervalTimeSpeed(km/h)AVG HR

Good feeling when I see results from the workouts :)

I must say that it is nice when I see results from the workouts I put in :) together with changes to the diet .

It also gives a tremendous energy boost to keep going :)

From the top at 150+ I have now reached the lowest weight I have been at for the last 20 years.

Not 150+
Not 140+
Not 130+
Not 120+

At one point the scale at home showed
I was 150+ and the scale max was 150!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

TacX Flow installed and tested :)

September is here and so is the wet and cold weather here in Bergen. I have picked the TacX flow up from storage and set it up in the apartment again. As long as I put it away under the stairs when not in use I have my wife's blessing to use it in the living room :)

Have permission to use it inside as longe as I store it away when not in use.

For the last 3 days I have had a couple of easy rides on the Flow and today I decided to do a 4x4 interval session. This felt much harder then the 4x4 sessions we did out on the road this season. I guess this is because on the flow I have to work harder throughout the whole session, no resting time while rolling down hill :)

For the intervals I used the following watt settings:
  1. Interval - 300 watt
  2. Interval - 270 watt
  3. Interval - 270 watt
  4. Interval - 280 watt

Between each interval I stayed between 130 and 150 watt. Next week I will do a session to find my FTP (Functional Threshold Power) in order to get the most out of my sessions on the Flow.

Here is a good article in norwegian:

Sykkelmagasinet - Sykkelrulle guiden