Sunday, February 20, 2011

Maiden voyage 2011

Ok, done. The virgin trip on the road 2011 finished. Together with Simen I took the bike out of the shed this afternoon, cleaned it and made sure gears and breaks where ok. Simen cleaned his own bike and was a very happy 4 year old :)

At 16.00 I walked the bike down from the house and saddled up. Janicke reminded me the temperature was below 0 C before I went out, but I was certain I was going to be ok as I was wearing two layers of long woolen underwear, wind resistant jacket and wind resistant trousers. 30 minutes into the ride I realized my Shimano cycling shoes are nicely ventilated for a warm, sunny, summer-day or spinning classes. Today however, I was certain I would freeze my toes of!!

Other then the wrong choice of footwear I got a nice hour on the bike and it felt really good finishing the first ride of the season already. Especially as I need a LOT of hours on the bike before June 4th!!!

For some reason Janicke was laughing her head of when I got home and she insisted on taking a picture for my blog. Not certain what all the laughing was about :)

Trip info:

Distance: 19km
Time: 60 minutes


  1. Skjønner heller ikke hva som var så morsomt... Hun må nok forklare seg!! :P

  2. Når man må ha på seg ull ( med sykkelbukse utenpå må vite ) + vindtett jakke og bukse så er det FOR kaldt til å sykkle!!!

  3. For ikke aa snakke om de vakre groenne hanskene :)

  4. Btw.. det heter vel "maiden voyage" og ikke "virgin trip"? Det siste høres litt vel suspekt ut knut! Som om det er utover på Radøy at alle jomfruene bor.. :P
