Monday, March 28, 2011

Interval set

Did my first interval set today. 5 minutes ride from the house there is a small hilltop with a smooth "climb" on each side. Calling it a climb is a bit strong :) but for my purpose of doing a 4x4 interval set it is perfect. I can keep a high speed throughout the climb in both directions and then I can relax going down.

After 4 sets I was more exhausted then I can remember being before, even after a good session in a spinning class. So hopefully this will have a positive effect :).

Tomorrow I plan to take my first ride home from work and then I hope to continue to do that every Tuesday afternoon. The ride home is 20km and it has a couple of short but quite steep climbs that will get the pulse up. I will try to add a map of the route.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Back in business

Unfortunately there has not been much to write about lately, everyone has been sick the last 2 - 3 weeks and I have been quite lacy and has not done much exercise.

However today I am hopefully back on track again. I did 30km on the bike today together with Beathe. This was the first time we did this route so I was a bit to careful to make sure I would make it back to start :) As a consequence the time was not to good, 1:45, and I need to improve on this for the next time. So I will start doing interval set during the week to improve my speed and then go for the longer rides in the weekends. Hoping to get two interval sets done the coming week.

Back in business, hopefully.