Thursday, November 15, 2012

Maki Sushi with salmon

Yesterday they had SALMA salmon,, on sale at our local grocery store. This is perfect fresh salmon to use for sushi and I decided to try out making Maki Sushi for the first time, so I ended up buying Nori, wasabi, and sushi rice as well :)

I used a recipe I found on the SALMA home page:,

and the results can be seen in the image below. I truly enjoyed preparing the sushi and it ended up tasting fantastic, amazing what good ingredients will do you you :).

I am already looking forward to having leftovers for lunch tomorrow and it is definitively not the last time we have sushi at home :)

Homemad Maki Sushi :)


  1. Yum! That is a definite must the next time I come in for work!!! I absolutely LOVE sushi. What did Janicke eat for dinner that night?
